
Number of cylinders: 6
Make/model: CATERPILLAR 3406TA
Displacement: 893 cid / 14.6 L
Operating time: 8.5 hrs
Fuel consumption 100%: 21.2 gph / 80.2 L/h
Cooling system: Water
Tire Size: 8.25 X 15TR, F 12 PLY
Operating time: 9.9 hrs
Electrical system: 24 volts
Power at rated speed: 465 bhp / 347 kw
Fuel consumption 75%: 18.1 gph / 68.5 L/h
Speed idle / full: 1200/1800
Working Weight: 14300 lbs
Working weight: 15200 lbs / 6895 kg
Fuel tank capacity: 180 gal / 680 L
Width: 88.5” / 2.248 m
Height: 101.5” / 2.58 m
Track: 70” / 1.778 m
Width: 88.5”
Height: 89.6”
Length: 200”
Length: 204” / 5.182 m
Bore and stroke: 5.4” X 6.5” / 13.7cm X 16.5cm